Most frequent questions and answers

Yes, but with a freight cost. Pending on the quantity and weight we estimate a shipping cost. We make free deliveries at our shows in Tucson – February and Denver – September.

To order a product, you must first click on the item you are interested in purchasing and a page with information detailing the specifications of the product will be displayed, along with price and weight details. Click the ‘Add To Cart’ button to add the product and quantity to your shopping cart.

Your cart allows you to safely keep your items held waiting for you while you continue browsing for other products to add. The listing of the products you have chosen will be displayed at the shopping bag and will figure a total price before any shipping costs. You may also change the quantity of any item if you require more than one of anything in particular. You can access your shopping cart at any time by clicking on the shopping bag sign.

When you have finished adding all of the items you wish to buy to your shopping cart, you may click on the ‘Proceed to checkout’ button to begin the submission of your order. You will be greeted with a page requiring your email address, contact, billing and delivery address details. Please ensure that you verify the information you supply in the relevant fields, and always check that the details you are submitting are correct. You may specify a delivery address if it is different to the billing address. Click on next to move on to the next stage, the ‘Shipping’ page.

The ‘Shipping’ page is for filling any additional information, if you’ll like to receive a free delivery at the Tucson Show in February or at the Denver Show in September. Click on next to move on to the next stage, the ‘Payment’ page

The ‘Payment’ page will allow you to select your desired payment type from our list of available payment options. When you have selected the details applicable to you, we will receive the information and contact your through email to close the Order.

By now we can make automatic payments at the page, that’s why the coordination is through email as well as the estimate freight cost.

Pending on quantities and location, we’ll give you an estimate time through your email personally.

You can make us a direct deposit to our bank account or make a payment to our PayPal account.

If you find that you have received damaged or incorrect items, where possible, we will happily replace them at no charge to yourself. We will refund the cost of sending the item back to our warehouse in U.S.A. or to Peru with your country’s domestic postal service. (Please note – we will not accept extra charges for express, courier or other postal services unless by prior agreement).

First delete your browser cookies and cache. We find that this resolves 99% of login problems instantly.

If you’re still having problems, please email us for our assistance detailing your Users information and we will look into this further.

If you have forgotten your password and need to retrieve it, simply click on the ‘Forgot your password?’ link in the ‘Login In’ box. This will display a page with a box in which you need to enter the email address you registered your account with. Once this is done, click on the ‘Request Reset Password Link’ button and an email containing your new password and an activation link will be sent to you. When you receive this email, click on the activation link to activate your new password.

You can then log back into your account and change your password to something more memorable by looking in the ‘Account details’ section of your ‘My account’ page.