For three generations, being a family-owned business, Peru Minerals maintain its continue search for Peruvian and South-American mines so the beautiful and rich variety of specimens, rocks and minerals are noticed by the World.


Mining has been our passion since the beginning, so we keep discovering new materials and rocks from north to south through our coast and mountains. That gives us the opportunity to present manufactured minerals and carvings, and also give the chance to our customers to work their own designs through our distribution of rough materials.


We proudly maintain excellent relationship with the mining communities, and have mutually grow through the years, we achieve a peaceful environment and respect nature by all means.


We are deeply grateful that you have visit our online site and hope you enjoy our personal selection; we strive to achieve our customers satisfaction always offering the best quality and variety. Every product is handmade specially for you and your customers.


Please contact us with any request, question or suggestion so we can improve or get your need at ventas@peruminerals.store. We will get back as soon as possible.




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